About Us

Vision Statement

Veterans Memorial Middle School envisions high school ready, and college and career focused students who are able to think independently, communicate effectively, and demonstrate their skills to a global audience in order to be successful in the 21st century.


What began in 2000 as four trailers housing 76 sixth-grade students has grown into our current facility hosting six teams of sixth thru eighth grade students. We moved into this building in 2001, with an addition of the E wing in 2006 for a total of over 50 classrooms and three computer labs.  Over the years, our student population has, at times, reached over 1000 students with classes being held in numerous trailers, VMMS Sign but now the current zoning allows every student to be inside the building for all of their classes.  By combining enthusiastic students and faculty members with supportive parents and community partners, Veterans Memorial Middle School looks forward to the educational challenges of the 21st century.